Term: 2023-2025
Term: TBA
Term: TBA
514-737-8229 ext. 109
Term: TBA
The Building Committee is charged with raising funds for the ultimate purpose of purchasing a building for the Jamaica Association of Montreal.
Chair: Molly Young
The Elections & Nominations Committee is charged with managing the nomination of candidates for elections and for managing the yearly election process.
Chair: Molly Young
It is the vision of this Committee to represent Jamaican and Black business owners and professionals through information sharing & other relevant activities.
Chair: Sharon Nelson
The Membership Committee is charged with ensuring the membership list is current and up-to-date. it also is charged with ensuring that dues are paid on time as well as other aspects of the membership experience.
Chair: Sophia Heath
The Senior's Committee is charged with organizing events for Seniors, reaching out to them individually to better their needs so that we all stay connected.
Chair: Christopher Thompson & John Foster
The Social Committee is charged with organizing social events that include promoting Overproof Fridays, hosting Father's Day events, and others
Chair: Alexander Townsend
The Women's Auxiliary was officially revived in March 2017 after a long hiatus. The purpose of this committee is to engage more women to be a part of and take an active role in the Association.
Chair: Sharon Nelson
The Youth Committee is charged with organizing events for kids and young adults. The Committee will reach out to youth in various ways to better their needs, to stay connected and to create events.
Chair: Omaire Morgan