Contact us: 514-737-8229
Contact us: 514-737-8229
Two types of memberships - Active & Life Members.
Active Members are Jamaicans, those with Jamaican heritage or all who are interested in the mission of the Association whose applications for Active Membership in the Corporation have been approved and accepted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. They also have paid their annual dues on time. Only the Board of Directors of the Corporation may approve and accept all applications for Active Memberships in the Corporation.
As of the December 11, 2021 Annual General Meeting, the updated bylaws were adopted to give all Active Members the right to vote; however, only Jamaican or those with Jamaican heritage can be elected to the Board.
Lifetime Members are Active Members who have demonstrated long time commitment to the Jamaica Association. They have been proposed and accepted by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors can approve one new lifetime membership per calendar year. Lifetime members do not need to pay annual dues.
Applications for either type of membership must be submitted in writing on the established membership forms.
Here are some privileges of being a member of the Jamaica Association of Montreal:
1. Contributing to the Association through your yearly dues
2. Ability to be Nominated and Run for a Position on the JAM Board
3. Voting Rights
4. Preferred Hall Rental Rates
5. First-hand Update on Accessing Programs & Services
6. Priority invitation to special events
7. Representation through the Association
8. Loyalty Program – (To Be Finalized)
At the meeting of the Board of Directors held on Monday, November 13th, 2017 a motion was passed to adjust the membership year to that of the fiscal year. As such, membership now runs from October 1st - September 30th, and only those members whose dues have been paid prior to the end of the fiscal year will be eligible to vote at the corresponding Annual General Meeting and is to be applied retroactively for the 2016-2017 fiscal year and going forward.
DownloadFees can be paid in FOUR ways:
1 . Online: Send an e-transfer to (please include a note stating: Membership 2024-2025)
2. By cheque: send your cheque to the
Jamaica Association of Montreal
4065 Jean Talon W., H4P 1 W6
3. Cash: can be brought to the Jamaica Association
4. Zeffy : online option