Since April of 2021, members representing various stakeholders in healthcare, research, community organizations, funding agencies and us at the Association have been meeting to discuss and create opportunities to tackle vaccine hesitancy in Montreal's Black communities.
Our collaborative efforts have resulted in a series of videos on vaccination in Black communities in Montreal as well as series of Town Hall sessions.
Stakeholders include:
1. Montreal Public Health
2. Black Community Resource Centre (BCRC)
3. Black Opportunity Fund (Ontario)
4. Black Health Alliance (Ontario)
5. Centre Universitaire Integree de Serivce de Sante de Centre-Sud-de-L'ille de Montreal
6. CISSS de Laval
7. Quebec Black Medical Association (QBMA)
8. McGill University
9. Jamaica Association of Montreal
This first session focused on vaccine hesitancy in the Black communities, back to school, the continuing opening of Quebec society, the vaccine passport, & what scientists have uncovered thus far.
Watch the video here:
This second session focused on how each the vaccine works, vaccine hesitancy, behaviours and conceptions about the vaccine & what scientists have uncovered thus far.
You can also view on Youtube:
This third session focused on vaccine in children , vaccine hesitancy, behaviours and conceptions about the vaccine & what scientists have uncovered thus far.
You can also view on Youtube: